Q: How's life after being married? exciting??
A: Nothing much.. just having someone beside u when u sleep and someone to look after and looking after you every single day
Q: Udah hamil belom??
A: Belom lahhhh.. (berharap bisa jawab: emang abis nikah musti ya langsung hamil? suka2 orang dong, mau hamil kek mau engga kek mau jungkir balik kek... :P)
Q: Jadi rencananya nunda punya momongan apa gimana nih?
A: Ga punya rencana apa2 tuh sampe sekarang... (berharap bisa jawab: kepo banget sih lo mau tau aja urusan orang lain!!!)
Yup, those are the three most favourite questions after you're getting married.. Ampe cape deh jawabnya. Dari pertanyaan-pertanyaan diatas bisa keliatan kan kalo pemikiran orang Indonesia itu masih lumayan konservatif. Abis nikah punya anak, ngebesarin anak dan ngurus anak. Not that I object to it but it's just very cliche of them. I believe every couple has their own plans and ways of living their life but I've seen people here trying so hard to fit in to the cliche picture of a married couple so that they can be considered as normal to other people. Well, hopefully I could live my life with my husband with our own ways.. :)
Hi..salam kenal..
ReplyDeletesaya bs minta emial or pin bb or whts app number? saya mau nanya2 soal akasya catering.. krn sya thn ini nikah pake akasya..Thanks